Sunday, September 9, 2012

Assignment # 2 blog post

Mr. Wrinkle Wakes
You can check out this video at Mr. Wrinkle Wakes

The video Mr. Wrinkle Wakes by Mathew Needleman was quite interesting. There wasn’t much info provided in this video. Mr. Wrinkle woke up from a 100-year coma andcame to realize the world has changed. He saw people using computers, heard weird sounds and saw people talkingto each other thousands of miles away. He could not believe it. He saw people using oxygen masks and couldn’tbelieve these people were surviving because of these machines. He finally made his way to a school. He sat and watched the students take notesand listen to the teacher’s lectures for hours and he began to realize thatsome things haven’t changed even over 100 years.

The message I got from this videothat they need to improve technology in our school system. If we incorporated more technology in ourschools I feel like it would be easier for our kids to learn. For example, I feel like our industry isbooming because of the modern day technology and I feel like using moretechnology in schools would make it take off as well. Instead of the boring lectures and notetaking, I feel like as a school system, we need to make learning fun for thekids.

Did you Know? 3.0 - A John Strange 2012 Version

You can check this video out at Did You Know?

I watched the video did you know? 3.0 - A JohnStrange 2012 Version by John Strange and I found it to be very interesting.This video provided me with information I had prior knowledge of. It was veryinteresting to see how illiterate our country is. For example, 25% of India’s population hasstronger IQs then our entire country combined. India is so much more knowledgeablethan our kids because they learn more as a little kid. The more you learn as a kid, the more youcomprehend. I also thought it was veryinteresting that twenty-five percent of the kindergarteners that are in the topof there class become the honor students as they grow older.

The facts this video displayed about the Internet and our technology were quite fascinating. It is incredible to me to see how reliant people are on technology these days and a lot of people don’t know how to do work hard anymore. Thevideo showed how much Americans use Google and YouTube and that blew my mind how much time people spend on the computer. Text messaging is definitely a newfad in our world today. People rely so much on texting and have really lost all social skills. I feel like textmessaging is destroying our youth in a way, because they don’t know how to havea conversation anymore. I have seen thisbecome a problem because I have seen someone instead of dealing with a problemwith another student they text their response to the problem and the issue onlybecomes bigger. This video provided a lot of valuable information.I was very familiar with some of these topicsbut I was aware of the numbers of these subjects.

Sir Ken Robinson – The Importanceof Creativity

This video can be viewed atThe Importance of Creativity

The video of the importance ofcreativity by Sir Ken Robinson talks about the creativity in schools. One ofthe main focuses was that creativity is very important in schools but it is notfocused on nearly as much as literacy. As a student, I believe that havingcreativity is very important. It separates you from other students and makesthe students think outside the box instead of just reading straight from thebook. The video wants kids to be outgoing in conversation during class andwants them to interact even if they don’t know the correct answer. He tells us that a big problem we are havingin schools is kids are being educated out of creativity and it is said that weare born artists but we are not able to express it because we are taught out ofcreative minds.

He also talks about his move toAmerica. He talks about how similar the educational programs are. He feels likeart and music should be required courses just as math is. I don’t know how muchI agree with this because math is a subject that has to be a required coursebecause its going to help the kids in the real world. This video really talksabout education just being so plain and simple and not being diverse at all. People around the world are not being able toget jobs when their getting out of college because they do not have a master orPhD and need to go to more school, so they are resorting to video games andgiving up. Personally, I feel like all schools should have a diverse learningsystem so the kids have an opportunity to have a brighter future.

A Day Made of Glass

You can check this video out at A Day Made of Glass

Watching all of these videos kind of out some things into perspective. I think technology is all fine and dandy but I feel like it hurts our youth at the same time. Technology helps the industry andeducation tremendously. I think there could be more in our school system tohelp our kids learn more efficiently. The glass video also opened up my eyes to the technology to come. I feel like when the time comes for that type of technology our world is going to be simpler and more efficient. On the other side of the argument I feel likeit hurts our country to.

To an extent, I feel like technology is crippling our society. Like I said in a previous blog, I feel like text messaging is ruining kids communication and social skills. It also makes everyone so lazy. People rely so much on technology to take care of everything and people forget how to work hard and figure it out on you own. I think people still need to maintain thosehard working handy skills.


  1. "It was veryinteresting to see how illiterate our country is." Wrong. It is a matter of population size. You could say that the 25% of the population in India with the biggest ears outnumbers ALL of the people in the United States with two ears.

    Technology "makes everyone so lazy"? I disagree. Technology empowers people if they want to take advantage of it. If they merely want to entertain themselves then I agree. But you can say that about TV, media in general, music players, etc. It is an attitude about work that is the issue.

    Did you read this post after you published it? I don't think so. You have numerous word run ons, e.g. tohelp, likeit, thosehard, and those are only the ones from the last two paragraphs.

    "...hurts our country to." ... to should be too.

  2. Your comments about technology and creativity were interesting. I agree that schools should have a diverse learning system and that technology has introduced a world that no one thought was possible. Be careful when typing several of your words did not have a space in between them, making it a little hard to read, for example andcame in the first paragraph, there are others as well. I would also check the instructions again, because every blog post should have a picture and there are instructions on how to add the picture. Overall you had great opinions but needs a little more help on grammar errors, as we all do. I think we are busy trying to get the information out that we are not double or even triple checking ourselves.

  3. I find your post to be well thought out. You are very clear on your opinions. I highly suggest that you proofread your posts before publishing them because you had some instances of words sticking together, i.e tohelp, likeit, thosehard.
