Saturday, October 13, 2012

Blog Post #7

The video The Networked Student showed me many ways on how students can use the internet. This video was very helpful because it shows how to use the internet for learning. Honestly,I feel like this class is very similar to EDM 310 because it makes you use the internet for your class instead of being lectured by a teacher. All teachers these days use a different way to learn;some use more technology and some like to interact, lecture and use powerpoints. I think its great to have kids use technology and learn how to use the computer and being able to do stuff own there own. When i become a educator, ill have to adapt to my enviroment and decide which teaching way is the most productive.

The video is all about the student doing his class online. He meets in class every now and then and uses the teacher as a resource. The teacher uses Connectivism which allows students to use tools and resources on the internet. He really just finds information from many different sources. He reads other students blogs and comments on them to learn more about the topic. He networks with these students to try to learn as much as possible. They also uses Ipods and Ipads to listen to podcast from some of the great professors around the country. Even though he is not in the classroom being lectured and taking notes he is still able to retain information.

The big question is why does a "Networked Student need a teacher?" The teacher is really just a tool and resource for these students. From my experience in networked classes , I would not have any clue what to do if the teacher was not there as a guide. They lay the foundation and let you learn and take care of the rest on your own. They provide information if you ever get stuck and just make it a lot easier.
The Networked Student

The video Welcome to my PLE was very interesting on how much this seventh grader is getting accomplished by the internet. She shows us how she uses her page and the tools she uses. She uses Google Docs, Peer editing and Skype. My PLN is similar to her PLN because we use the same networking tools. My PLN is improving because I am learning how to use these resources and tools the internet provides.
Seventh Graders PLE


  1. Jordan, I too think that The Networked Student video is a lot like our edm class. The teacher in the video is also a lot like Dr. Strange. He is there for guidance, not to lecture us.

    I did find a few errors with your post.

    "I think its great to have kids use technology and learn how to use the computer and being able to do stuff own there own."
    "its" should be it's.
    Also, It should say "stuff on their own"

    "When i become a educator, ill have to adapt to my enviroment and decide which teaching way is the most productive."
    Make sure to capitalize the "I" and also "ill" should be I'll. Also the word environment was spelled wrong.

    "They also uses Ipods and Ipads to listen to podcast from some of the great professors around the country."
    "uses" should just be use.

  2. "..."When i become a educator, ..." Samantha misses the a which should be an

    "...many ways on how students can use ..." Awkward. Replace many ways that students ... or many ways for students to use ... or just many ways students use the internet ... .

    "All teachers these days use a different way to learn;some use more technology and some like to interact, lecture and use powerpoints." I think you mean to teach not to learn. You need a space after the semi-colon.

    " and being able to do stuff own there own." In addition to Samantha's corrections, being should be be .

    "...Ipods and Ipads..." should be iPods and iPads.

    "...classroom being lectured and taking notes..." Replace being lectured with listening to lectures

    "...classes , I would..." No space before the comma.

    "... is getting accomplished by the internet." on, not by.

    A PLN is primarily a group of people, but also tools, that expand your sources of information, provide you with ideas, challenge your thinking, get you to explore new possibilities. The more people you have in your PLN, and the more diverse their backgrounds and interests, the more you will benefit.

    Are you proofreading? If the answer is "Yes", then you are doing a terrible job. If the answer is "No", then you should proofread very carefully!
