Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Blog Post #13

A Vision of Students Today

The video A Vision of Students Today was very informative. This video was well put together, from the music to the students participating and putting together. I really paid attention and was into this video. It provided some very truthful and honest opinions on how the classroom and college is today. This video was very realistic. In a document a question was asked and it was "What is it like being a student today?" There has been 200 students that have made 367 edits to this document. All of these students surveyed themselves and this help create the video that they put together.

This video stated some very true facts. The video really relates to what every college student goes through. I go through these difficulties every semester. I never use me of my books and it IS a waste of money. One student pointed out that the average amount of students in her class is a 115 students. That is ALOT of people. When I have that many people in my class I tend to zone out and I don't learn to my full potential. One student states that 18% percent of her teachers know her name. I just don't think a teacher can possibly connect and interact with that many students. In a class that large a teacher, realistically, is not going to know all their names or connect with them. There has been many instances were I get really bored with these lectures and start playing on my phone. The education world is getting advanced with technology and some classrooms are not using it to their advantage. I feel like students are getting effected by the old ways of teaching an it is hurting them in the long room.

Personally I feel like the resources and tools that are available in classroom should be available to students all the time. Overall the video got the message across without saying a word. Teachers need to understand that there are other ways to learn besides just lecturing. I really related well to this video.

A Vision of Students Today

After watching Brian Crosby's Back to the Future video I was in shock of how many kids really don't know what’s going on in the outside world. In his classroom he deals with students of poverty. This video was really eye opening for me. He says these kids are not connected with the outside world and haven't been since they were born. These kids have had a narrowed curriculum and don't have the experience in the outside world. He tries to help these kids out and get them connected with the outside world. He talks about how his students have the access to laptops and all of his kids have blogs which connects them to the outside world. Mr. Crosby challenges his kids to think outside of the box. One example is, he tells his kids to write stories and imagine they are balloons and to discuss their experience. By doing this they then are taught how post their blogs and post them on to YouTube. The kids are amazed that people actually look and comment on their blog post. They become exposed to the outside world because kids from all over the country begin to comment on their blog's. They really enjoyed learning how to use Google Maps. They learned to find the location and time of the air balloon falling. Kids began to see this across the world and wanted in on these projects as well. So these classes started to Skype and talk and interact about these projects. These tools allow these kids to interact globally and they are able to grasp what is actually going on. I think it is awesome that these kids get the opportunity to learn because of the technology provided to them. I found this video to be very motivating because it makes you realize that some kids aren’t has blessed as we have been. By this technology they are getting to experience the same education as every other kid around the US. It was cool to see these kids get so involved. These students are able to provide and allow other kids to learn what they are able to learn.

Back to the Future

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